In 2022, the JEE Main exam will be conducted from February to May. Candidates who dream to pursue engineering in top engineering institutes like IITs and other prestigious institutions have to clear the JEE Main exam, which is an online test conducted by the National Testing Agency. Every year a large number of candidates appear for this exam. Since the number of candidates appearing for this exam is large, the competition is high.

According to the marks scored in JEE Main exam, students are granted admission to IITs, CFITs, NITs, and other Government funded technical institutions. JEE 2022 will be held in four sessions from February to May. With proper planning and regular learning, students can easily crack the JEE Main exam. Taking small steps can bring huge changes in life. Here are some tips which if done correctly, will be real game-changers and ultimately help you crack the JEE exam.

  • Make a study plan
  • Select the right study materials
  • Make revision notes
  • Mock tests

Make a Study Plan

Students should make an organized plan for the exam. They should study for 4-5 hours daily. Plan judiciously to cover all the topics. Students should clear all their doubts with their teachers and friends. They should try to solve questions on paper with a pen. A well-organized plan will help the students to balance self-studies along with classes. Students should have the right knowledge of the syllabus and pattern of the JEE Main exam.

Select the Right Study Materials

Students should be very careful while selecting study materials. A lot of study materials are available in the market. There are many educators who provide study materials that are specially designed to crack JEE. Students can also make use of the internet to select the best learning materials and video tutorials. Students can also download PDFs of study material for free. Live and recorded sessions are also available on the YouTube channels of different coaching institutes.

Revision Notes

Students should make their own short notes while learning each chapter. This should include all the important formulas, theorems, and shortcuts. This will help them to quickly revise a chapter when there are only a few days left for the JEE 2022 exam.

Mock Tests

Students are recommended to attempt a maximum number of mock tests. This will help them to be familiar with the real exam scenario. It also helps them to be confident during the real exam.

IIT JEE Study Material

Students will be confused while selecting the study materials. So they should take the opinion of their teachers before selecting the IIT JEE study material. BYJU’S provides study materials prepared by experienced teachers. Students can make use of these materials for the preparation. These will help them not only for the entrance exams but also for the board exams.

The IIT JEE revision notes will help to develop proper time management abilities in students, making it easier for them to solve difficult and complicated problems quickly with better speed and accuracy. These will keep students updated with the latest examination trends and impart an understanding of the real exam scenario.