When you decide to launch your website and start looking for web hosting servers, you are faced with a lot of options like Shared Hosting Servers, Cloud Hosting Servers, VPS Servers, and Dedicated Servers.
Of these, a Dedicated Hosting Server is the most powerful option since an entire web server is used only by your site without sharing it with any other user. However, since you have complete control over the server, you also have the opportunity to ensure that it performs optimally. In this article, we will share some tips to help you get more out of your Dedicated Hosting plan.
Tip 1: Choose a plan that suits your needs
A Dedicated Server is available in many variants. You can choose between a Windows and Linux Dedicated Server, HDD and SSD-based server, managed/unmanaged services, etc. Before you buy, make sure that you assess your site’s hosting requirements and choose the perfect Dedicated Server plan. This is the first step to ensuring that you have a server that works perfectly for your site.
Tip 2: Modify Priority Settings
As soon as you buy the Dedicated Hosting plan, you need to look at the priority settings. Every web server has a list that displays the default sequence it follows for task execution. This is based on a generic assessment of the way users would like it. However, if this order does not sync with your needs, then make changes to ensure that the server performs optimally for your site.
Tip 3: Make changes to JavaScript delivery
If your site uses JavaScript, then you need to remember that as per the default settings, a browser usually stops loading a web page until a JavaScript file has been read completely. This can result in sub-optimal site performance. You can tweak the settings to delay the loading of JavaScript until the remaining is loaded. This can improve the performance of the site.
Tip 4: Update Regularly
Every web server needs to be updated to ensure optimal performance and maximum security. Many users who opt for unmanaged dedicated plans tend to put off this task for later since it can take a lot of time and slow down the site during the update. While we do recommend choosing a low-traffic time for running updates, you must ensure that you don’t miss any of them. You must also review the documentation on the update provided by the developer to make sure that the changes are suited to you. Else, you might want to seek professional assistance.
Tip 5: Secure your server
Viruses and malware can impact the performance of your server and even cause it to crash. Hence, it is important to ensure that you keep your Dedicated Server protected against the latest threats by using the best tools and deploying stringent security measures. A Dedicated Server allows you to install any third-party app and make changes to the configuration of the system based on your security requirements.
Tip 6: Focus on the cost-effectiveness of the hosting service
While a Dedicated Hosting plan is the costliest, you can make it cost-efficient by choosing the right configurations, opting for unmanaged services if you are technically skilled to manage the server, choosing reliable hosts that offer maximum uptime, and strong SLAs, etc.
You can also check out the video for a few tips for getting the most out of a Dedicated Hosting plan:
5 Tips to Get More Out of Your Dedicated Server Hosting
Summing Up
Remember, a Dedicated Server stands at the top of the list of hosting servers in terms of control and customization. Use these aspects to your benefit and make sure that you get the most out of your Dedicated Server Hosting plan. Good Luck!